>Almond Surfboards & Designs | DieCutStickers.com

>Almond Surfboards & Designs


 click photo above for link.
1,000 - 3M brand vinyl diecut stickers at 1.7" x 3"

Thank you Dave Allee, of Almond Surfboards & Designs, for your order. Visit their site!


Almond Surfboards & Designs is a collaborative effort
of friends who enjoy the pure expression of surfing, music,
art, and

Almond is the combination of everything we enjoy and
would like to share with you. 

Right now, we're focusing our energy on a variety
of surfboards, wooden fins, some stylish articles of clothing
and a whole range of other projects and collaborations.
Stop by 367 Old Newport Blvd, or check out our blog to
see what we have been up to lately. 

Almond is what we love doing, especially when we
can get other like-minded folks involved...so come
hang out, surf, draw, jam, or talk board design with us.