>VeryTotmeo! | DieCutStickers.com



 click photo above for link.
100 - digital diecut stickers at 3" x 3"
100 - digital diecut stickers at 3.09" x 5"

Thank you Rick, at VeryTotemo!, for your order. You can learn more about VeryTotemo! by clicking on the link we provided above!


VeryTotemo! is a brand who's goal is the implementation of ideas in the form of retail, with an eye on social justice. It is the idea of owner and creative director, Rick Tamashiro.

While initial ideas come from VeryTotemo!, collaboration with other creatives is the flint to steel that produces something joyous and good.
The end result celebrates artists, brand, and an identified social justice community.

The Japanese word "totemo" means "very".
Put together, the thought of “very, very” describes something you can feel but not fully describe by mere words.