>Liquid Salt Surf Magazine | DieCutStickers.com

>Liquid Salt Surf Magazine


click photo above for link.
500 - digital diecuts at 1.73" x 5"

Thank you Glen Sakamoto, of Liquid Salt Magazine, for your order with us.


Liq­uid Salt™ aims to cel­e­brate surf­ing for what it is: a joy­ful union between the surfer and the ocean.

Part blog and part mag­a­zine, its premise is to give voice to those people—surfers, shapers, writ­ers, artists, film­mak­ers and photographers—who qui­etly keep surf cul­ture alive. Our mis­sion is to high­light the rich, vibrant diver­sity of the world­wide surf­ing community.

Stay updated by sub­scrib­ing to the feed, becom­ing a fan on , or fol­low­ing us on . Feel free to join the dis­cus­sion by leav­ing comments.

A big MAHALO goes to the fol­low­ing spe­cial peo­ple: Bing Copeland, Linda Ben­son, Liz Cock­rum, Mar­garet Yao, Dave Allee, Jeff Divine, Art Brewer, Jay + Jamie Wat­son, Guy Kawasaki, Mike Kim, Fran­cisco Ros­ales, Steve Wilk­ings, Bruce Cowan, Cyrus Sut­ton, and Barry Haun. We are for­tu­nate to be asso­ci­ated with such kind and gen­er­ous people.