If you've read the DCS blog before you may have noticed a recent trend of photos featuring a human hand holding stickers. The integration of this continuing theme comes from the idea that our sticker-making crew is made up of humans, not robots. Despite the heavy influence and use of automated tools in our process, it's the craftsman's hand and personal touch that sets our work apart. Kolstrand maintains the very same commitment to quality & craftsmanship when it comes to their marine equipment and products. Their tool bag contains everything from Power Blocks with PowerGrips to LineHaulers and Crab Pot Pullers. Now, happily we can say they also have a nice looking stack of outdoor rated, digital die-cut stickers. We're happy to work with just about every single client that comes through our office but it can honestly be said that it's even more satisfying to work with clients who share a similar work ethic.