>HealthySoil | DieCutStickers.com



 click photo above for link.
200 - full-color digital diecut stickers at 1.4" x 3" & 2,92" x 6"
100 - full-color digital diecut stickers at 3" x 11"

Thank you Laura Kreitler, at HealthySoil, for choosing Diecutstickers.com! We appreciate your business.


HealthySoil offers customized, organically-based treatment programs that build healthy soil ecology. Its "program" approach to building and maintaining soil health enables HealthySoil customers to substantially reduce their use of water and synthetic inputs, leading to lower operating costs and improved resource management. Further, HealthySoil improves crop quality and yield in agricultural applications. It also improves horticultural plant quality, leading to superior plant / tree health and flower blooms.