POLER | STICKER VIBES | DieCutStickers.com


"The World's Highest Standard of Stuff."

Not just a marketing ploy, Poler utilizes simplicity and elegant design to create outdoor gear for all manner of adventures. In their short time as a brand they've carved out a strong reputation and amassed more than a cult following.

Their success has been evident to our team as the production numbers for die-cut stickers have SKYROCKETED with each new order. Runs that were once a thousand per batch are now numbering in the tens of thousands with no sign of slowing down. Our team of sticker pro's have done an amazing job keeping up with the frenetic pace and we're stunned every couple of months as orders KEEP GETTING BIGGER. Stickers stack up and pepper our entire production facility like fallen snow. We may need a bigger warehouse (again).

Luckily our business exists in harmony with the success of our clients so we're always rooting for our favorite brands to succeed because it allow us to keep cranking out more vinyl creations. Poler is just another example of a combination of success and devotion that creates positive ripples in a vast pond of commerce.

Make sure you visit www.PolerStuff.com and make some ripples of your own.