Sales Tools |

Sales Tools


In the slam-bang, live-on-the-razor's-edge lifestyle of Sticker Sales, we equip our team with the most valuable resources in the game. Peek behind the curtain and see what kind of tools it takes to help our customers get the best sticker order possible.

Giant Calculator

Math is hard, but it's even harder when you have to press tiny, impossible to read buttons. We've eliminated that by purchasing the largest calculator know to man.

Standard Size Telephone

Even if you don't call us, we'll still call you. Phone conversations are a great way to hammer out the details of orders, especially when email might miss the communication mark.

Raw Instinct

This the intangible you can quite illustrate with an image. It lies in our guts and minds and helps us navigate the murky water of bring custom projects to life. Ask your Sales Advisor to speak on their own instincts. Perhaps they can recount some anecdotes about times when their instincts led them to glory.