Shop 412 | Kiss-Cut Camo |

Shop 412 | Kiss-Cut Camo

Have a seat and get ready to learn a few style lessons from urban sportswear boutique Shop 412.

They currently have the Camo Sticker game on lock down and above is a look at their recent run of Kiss-Cut Bubble Camo Stickers. 2014 is definitely the year of strange & unique Camo and you'll be seeing even more in the vein of Tiger Stripe Camo, Digi-Camo, and probably Gucci Camo at some point.

These stickers were created by digitally printing a pattern of vector graphics onto white vinyl and using a Kiss-Cut process (only cutting the surface vinyl) to reveal the custom 412 shape. All vinyl remaining in the negative space is weeded away to leave behind a truly epic custom sticker.

Big thanks to Shop 412 for another exciting project!